Show Compassion to our Wildlife

Posted September 5, 2019 by Vindi Sekhon

The glue trap is one of the cruelest and most inhumane devices on the market today. We at Wildlife Rescue BC often hear of, or directly witness, situations where wildlife has been injured or has died a very painful death due to a glue trap. Unfortunately, the consumer market still makes these options available for public use and as a result we are facing more and more occurrences where an animal’s fate has been tragically determined by a sticky trap.

Glue traps generally consist of cardboard, fiberboard or plastic that has been coated with a sticky adhesive designed to entangle anything that comes across it. The traps result in horrific injuries for any wildlife that becomes ensnared, as the adhesive rips and tears the animals’ skin, fur or feathers. The trapped wildlife will then suffer further injuries as they desperately try to escape the trap by scratching or biting at their own skin.

Animals caught in the trap often suffer a slow and excruciating death, crying and wailing as they are unable to break free from the adhesive glue and inevitably succumb to starvation or suffocation. In other instances, people will remove the glue trap with the animal still suffering on it. They will then toss the trap into a garbage bin, leaving the animal to die alone and in pain, with no chance of help, reprieve or escape.

Without proper education, knowledge and understanding of wildlife and the regulations that surround it, people will continue to use these options for temporary solutions.

Wildlife Rescue BC encourages the public to refrain from these options at all costs and learn how to resolve rodent and wildlife proliferation in your home and residence with options that protect and serve the wildlife in our environments.  

Many birds are harmed each year due to predator attacks and for some, there is no surviving chance. Birds such as Steller’s Jays are often hurt after being ambushed by a cat when foraging on ground-level or when they are unable to escape due to their circumstances. You can help prevent predator attacks in your yard!

  • Keep both your cat and wild birds safe by keeping your cat indoors. Away from the risk of being struck by cars, attacked by wildlife and other pets, and deadly diseases, indoor cats live a much longer life than outdoor cats.
  • Equipping your cats with colourful collars and loud bells help warn wandering birds of these cats. The loud noise of the bells combined with the bright collar will allow birds to fly away from the potential threat before they get hurt.

If you are encountering problems with wildlife nesting in your home or around your residence, there are ways that you can help prevent this from happening: eliminate food sources that might attract the wildlife to your home, pick up fallen fruit and vegetables out of your garden, and always keep your grass and vegetation clipped back. Access your local Wildlife Rescue team for guidance and never put an animal in danger if you are unsure of what to do.

If you do come across someone who uses these traps and they are oblivious to its seriously harmful impact on our wildlife, we encourage you to use your voice to educate and thus help to create a better future for our wildlife. If you are looking for human pest control methods please call your local wildlife service or visit BC SPCA to learn more about their program here.

Please contact our Support Centre for immediate inquiries and emergencies.


Help save vulnerable wildlife today! 

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