ALERT: Important Message for Visitors of Wildlife Rescue

Posted March 4, 2022 by Sasha, Wildlife Technician

Supporters and friends,

Due to construction on the road leading to our facility, we are experiencing severe delays in traffic to our centre. We are working on establishing a new Admissions Centre for injured and orphaned animals that avoids construction delays. We hope to have this new site available in the next couple of weeks.

Until then, expected delays range from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, both in and out of Wildlife Rescue facilities. This delay will affect you if you are visiting to:

  • Bring an injured animal in for treatment
  • Bring essential in-kind donations to our site
  • Provide a donation to continue Wildlife Rescue’s operations

Wildlife Rescue is a non-profit organization, and our work is only made possible by your support. From your fundraising to your volunteering and your quick responses when you find an animal in need— we are so grateful for your continued support.

What can you do?

If you are planning to visit Wildlife Rescue, please contact our Support Centre for assistance before you arrive for the most up-to-date instructions and wait time estimates.

When a flagger asks to speak to you, always let them know you are going to Wildlife Rescue and if you do or do not have an animal with you.

If you are bringing in an injured animal, time is of the essence for the animal’s recovery, and we need your help to give them their best chance!

When you are stopped, please immediately make contact with the nearest flagger at the construction site en route to Wildlife Rescue and inform them that you have an injured animal in need of treatment. While we cannot guarantee you will be let through immediately, they will work to provide you with access to our facility as safely and quickly as possible.

If you are visiting to provide a donation or in-kind support, please call ahead or consider donating online at, through the mail to 5216 Glencarin Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5B 3C1, Canada or visiting our wish list for in-kind items.

How is Wildlife Rescue responding to these delays?

At this time, we are actively seeking solutions to reduce these risky delays including establishing a satellite triage location, reliable transportation, and additional staff. Two sites are currently being assessed. More details to come over the next days as we secure these important resources.

With the patients rapidly on the rise, your continued support is needed now more than ever. Thank you for all you do!

Posted in What's New