Tag: orphaned wildlife

California Quail Ready to be Released in Osoyoos!

Staff and volunteers have worked hard in the last 3 weeks, providing, much-needed warmth and a nutritional diet of seeds, chick mix, and insects to ensure these babies can make it into adulthood and safely return home. They are now half their adult weight and are growing their flight feathers and crest feathers.

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World Environment Day!

Every year, World Environment Day is a reminder that we must protect and conserve our environment. This year’s theme, biodiversity, is a pressing issue. By continually pushing nature’s delicate systems to the limit, our environment is thrown off its balance affecting all species. Over 190 species of birds have gone extinct, and that number is only increasing. Focusing on ways we can contribute to a healthy ecosystem is crucial to protecting the species we have left.

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Found an Orphaned Wildlife Baby?

One of the clearest signs of spring is the reappearance of migrating birds and readily available sources of food including seeds, insects, and fruit. Migrating birds return to their breeding grounds early spring and midsummer to reproduce. They tend to find trees, rooftops, wetlands, and ponds to prepare for their nesting season.

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