Tag: fledgling

California Quail Babies Fighting to Survive

California Quail are rare in the lower mainland. In 2019 Wildlife Rescue only provided care to three California Quail related to predator attacks and possible orphans. With nests in secluded areas in the ground near tall grass, tree trunks, and rocks, Quail can easily be injured by both predators and curious humans.

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Wildlife Rescue Provides Care & Releases an Orphaned Purple Martin

Wildlife Rescue Provides Care & Releases an Orphaned Purple Martin

Wildlife Rescue and long-time expert Kiyoshi Takahashi assist in the release of an orphaned nestling Purple Martin at Rocky Point Park in Port Moody, BC.

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Help Baby Animals Thrive

If you suspect a baby bird in your neighborhood has been injured or displaced call our Wildlife Rescue team right away. Time is of the essence, the sooner medical care is provided, the higher the chances of survival.

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