Tag: baby birds

How Extreme Heat Impacts Wildlife

How Extreme Heat Impacts Wildlife In recent years, Wildlife Rescue has seen a noticeable change in the behaviour of wildlife species and reasons for admission to the Wildlife Hospital. Fluctuations in weather patterns, especially when it comes to extreme weather events like heat and fire... Read More

Help! I found a baby bird!

Help! I found a baby bird!

So you’ve found a baby bird… now what?

Is the bird hurt? Are there any visible injuries or blood? Is it cold, weak or lethargic? Has it been attacked by a predator? If so, call our Support Centre immediately at (604) 526-7275 for directions on how to safely bring the bird in.

If it is not obviously injured, assessing the age of the bird can help determine the next steps. 

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Easter Egg Challenge

Easter is an exciting time for the re-emergence of plants and wildlife, including the arrival of baby birds. With more babies comes more danger. Momma birds work hard to keep their babies safe, but living in an urban environment brings... Read More

Protecting Ground Nesters

Spring and summer are a delicate time of year for ground-nesting birds like the Dark-eyed Junco, Hermit Thrushes, Sparrows, and Killdeer to name a few. One of the most common and easily forgotten human disturbances during spring is lawn mowing, which unknowingly harms wildlife, particularly ground-nesters!

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Saving Small Nests

Every year from around mid-March to late August, the lower mainland is filled with birds finding habitats, constructing nests, and nesting. For birds, their mating season is extremely important – after all, this is the period in which they lay eggs and watch their kids grow up!

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How-to: Keep Baby Birds (and Small Mammals) With Their Parents

How-to: Keep Baby Birds (and Small Mammals) With Their Parents

We all welcome the chance to spend more time outdoors and Wildlife Rescue wants to help you co-exist with nature a bit better. Since it’s also the start of baby bird season, we’d like to offer you an easy list to follow to ensure baby birds (and mammals!) are not separated from their parents.

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